Whether you are interested in introducing the concept of ageism or doing a deep dive exploration through an interactive workshop, Amy is available to facilitate dialogues, conduct workshops and help create an interactive public art project on Be Bold, Claim Old for your community.
QUOTES FROM PAST participants . . .
"The BE BOLD, CLAIM OLD educational session presented an impressive amount of work on an important topic. Examples of ageism shared were very thought provoking."
"A great seminar! Can't wait to be bold and claim old!"
"I loved the combination of humor and facts. The opportunity to explore our own thoughts around a sometimes touchy subject."
Offerings include:
1) Be Bold, Claim Old: Celebrating Every Age Workshop
In this workshop, participants will:
- Understand the larger context of ageism through the history and background on age biases in our society
- Explore and discuss how age prejudices and biases are reflected in culture - through language, social systems and policies, and activities and services in elder service providers
- Reflect on their own individual views of aging
- Discuss and share ideas for creating a new narrative around aging and being old
- Explore tools to help raise awareness around and begin discussions on ageism within your own community
Sessions range from 1 ½ hours to 4 hours. Each workshop includes time for individual exploration and group discussion.
2) Be Bold, Claim Old: Celebrating Every Age Presentation
The workshop can be modified to be a 20-60 minute presentation or keynote address when opportunities for interaction are more limited.
3) Workshop for Board of Aging Related Organizations
Two-hour workshop. Similar participant objectives as the Be Bold, Claim Old: Celebrating Every Age workshop with a deeper exploration of how age biases and prejudices can often unintentionally affect policy-making and the culture of an organization.
The core content can be personalized to address the interests of various audiences including:
- Resident associations
- Staff in organizations that work with older adults
- Board members for organizations working with older adults
- Neighborhoods (age specific, and intergenerational)
- Councils / Departments on Aging and Wellness Programs
- High School or University students
- ANYONE interested in ageism as a social justice issue!
At the end of each session, individuals are asked to contemplate what they enjoy about their age. Here are some examples from past workshops . . .
Perspective, Karen 75
Fewer cavities – yea! Marge, 81
I don’t miss having to rush to work Monday-Friday, Lee, 83
Being alive, 94
Enjoying life and seeing my parents alive and well, 39
I’m more myself than ever – 78