Upcoming Events
March 18, 2021 Phoebe Institute on Aging Conference Allentown, Pennsylvania
Select Past Events
August 20, 2020 TIAA webinar on “Bridging Generations for Change”
November 11, 2019 UNC Partnership in Aging Program, “Stories Across the Ages: Positive Aging” Chapel Hill, NC
October 27, 2019 Featured speaker at the Deep Dive on Authentic Leadership at Leading Age national convention, San Diego, CA
October 3, 2019 Keynote speaker at annual Successful Aging Retreat, Presbyterian Senior Services, Dillsburg, PA
September 20, 2019 Be Bold, Claim Old: Ageism in the Workplace, TIAA, Charlotte, NC
July 18, 2019 Featured speaker for Croasdaile Village, Durham, NC
June 14-15, 2019 Keynote speaker at the 5th annual Functional Aging Summit, Albuquerque, NM
February 10, 2019 Featured speaker for the J.O.Y. gathering, United Methodist Church, Chapel Hill, NC
May, 2018 Educational Session at Leading Age NC Conference, Asheville, NC
December, 2017 Serendipitous Saturday (part of Carolina Meadows University), Chapel Hill, NC
October, 2017 Educational Session at Leading Age National Conference, New Orleans, LA
September, 2017 EngAGING Issues Forum, Chapel Hill, NC
Be Bold Claim Old - in Action
Carolina Meadows in Chapel Hill, North Carolina was the first organization to implement the Be Bold, Claim Old initiative. The project fit well with the organizations' desire to have an inclusive culture where every age and ability are welcomed. The initiative began with a facilitated dialogue amongst Board members and grew into projects engaging residents, staff and family members. The initiative included an interactive and intergenerational public art project titled "Celebrating the Gifts of Every Age" in which all were invited to celebrate their age and share what they enjoy about their age.
The interactive public art project invited residents, staff and family members to take a photo claiming their age and to identify a gift of their current age. The exhibit launched Dec. 2017 and was up for three months.